Secure Online Booking Solutions
Select “Book Now” on the item you wish to rent, watch the optional provided video on machine operation, reserve your selected days
Fill in your basic contact information
Make payment. All credit cards are accepted and processed by Checkfront, our secure online booking solutions vendor
You will receive an SMS text message confirming your rental has been reserved and verified by our staff, one of our staff may contact the phone number provided if delivery is required
Stop by our store located at 280 Blanchard Rd in Belmont to pick up your rental on the requested date before 5PM. The machine will be fully fueled and additional small engine fuel may be purchased from our store if required
Rentals are expected to be returned within 24 HR’s. If pickup/delivery service is selected, leave the machine somewhere safe and our driver will pick come pick it up. Our driver may reach out to the phone number provided to confirm or clarify pickup/delivery instructions
Online reservation listings are below. We have many other pieces of equipment available, call 617-484-1442 for more details
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